I should have been a brilliant sceptic, even now jostling for position as James ("the Amazing") Randi's anointed successor. With a psychological imbalance towards thinking (as opposed to feeling) that makes Spock look like Mother Theresa, two lawyer parents to instill the partiality of… Continue Reading →
In which I admit to several things I’d rather not…
The latest in a series of disturbing episodes of Sleep Paralysis.
It’s all clear now.
In which the wheel of cosmic justice is seen to turn full circle.
In which our hero once again feels that there is more going on than meets the eye.
OK this is a good one. As you know I’ve been building towards my psychicQuesting.com website. Now that I’ve cracked a lot of the technical issues, I’ve been giving some thought to design. My theory on all of this, in… Continue Reading →
Hi all, It’s been a while since I have posted and since Alex mentioned the encounter we had with the darker side of buying groceries at Waitrose. However, I felt you all really deserved to see this man, albeit belatedly,… Continue Reading →
I’m not sure that www.pyschicquesting.com is the right domain name. what about wwww.iknewyouwerecoming.com or www.idontneedgoogletogethere.com?
I’m happy to report that things appear to aligning nicely on the Psychic Questing front. I cannot yet reveal full details, however, suffice to say that I am currently pushing forward with a new venture to establish www.psychicquesting.com as the… Continue Reading →
We all know that my husband is totally obsessed with Andrew Collins, he has dedicated a Blog to him, got a TV company interested in a documentary about his quest, he tracks his auction bids for “rare” Andrew Collins books… Continue Reading →
In my obsessive pursuit of Andrew Collins, I trekked up to London today to see him speak at the Crowley Conference. Here are my notes from his talk . Simultaneously I have just been gazumped in an ebay auction for… Continue Reading →
A belated response to your post Alex, but I’m more than curious to know why your groceries man felt the need to share this information with you. Did he think to recognise a fellow practicioner of the dark arts? Was… Continue Reading →
Tell the flower to pause at the supermarket (8).
Hay all, I have been spurred on by Simon to share with the world a rather bemusing discovery. www 888casino com It turns out that the man who has been serving me my groceries for the last year or so… Continue Reading →
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