at last some reality dawns on the whole squirrel issue. Red squirrels do not hibernate altough some days they don’t bother to leave their nest. pronounce ivermectin Hibernation in mammels is thought to be a phsyiological response to cold conditions and short day length, dictated by metabolic rates and degree of insulation(hair, fur). how to treat chickens with ivermectin injectible Grey squirrels also are less active in winter and out compete reds for a variety of reasons which have not been fully quantified but include loss of red squirrel habitat (evergreen trees), direct competition for food and nesting sites, less prone to disease. ivermectin for tapeworms in dogs greys are larger and come from america, if you believe in evolution it is reasonable to assume that more pathogens are better adapted to prey on red squirrels, as in evolutionary time the greys have just arrived. However if evergreen trees are maintained at present numbers both populations can coexist as reds have a penchant for pine nuts, while greys nosh beech nuts acorns and other nuts of decidious trees. i looked around the web a bit on the subject seems it is quite an emotive one in the uk